Healthy Reset Tips For Your Body & Mind


Hello, 2020!

My 2020 goals don’t involve a dramatic "new year, new me". Not starting a new diet or a rigid exercise routine. That mindset has never worked for me. Here's what works: committing to being your best self every single day. Starting habits that help you create a body and life you LOVE. It's not just about a new year. It is a choice and commitment to your wellbeing you can make at any moment, any day. I want to share with you my simple reset tips to help you feel lighter, refreshed, and more balanced. These tips are all about re-aligning your health and mindset.

1. Daily Detox Drinks

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent. We are designed to naturally detox, cleanse and renew all the time. I don’t believe in any magical detox tea or elixirs. But there are simple ways to support our natural detoxification process. First one is very simple: drink water. I really try to drink a lot of water to keep my skin, energy levels and digestion healthy. Here’s some other drinks that I love:

In the mornings: Warm lemon water.
After meals for de-bloating and better digestion: Ginger tea. I love this one!
Throughout the day: Water. I prefer warm water over cold/iced water. Having warm water feels more hydrating for the body and improves digestion.
Once a day: Matcha latte. I love matcha for getting that calm, zen energy. Matcha helps to safely cleanse and purge the body of harmful elements. Chlorophyll the element that gives green tea and other plants their signature verdant color is also a powerful detoxifier, helping to eliminate both chemicals and heavy metals from the body. (source:

2. Reform Your Body

The best thing we can do for our bodies is movement. As much as I love a good break from working out, my body is craving exercise right now. I feel my best when I move regularly. Daily exercise helps improve our bodies natural detoxification process. It supports your circulatory and lymphatic system and organs such as kidneys and lungs. When you’re getting back into exercising, set yourself up for success with these tips: Set realistic goals. Put it in your calendar. Which program, workout are you going to do? Where, when? Write down your own goals now. Two other simple ways to improve your body's circulation and support the lymphatic system are dry brushing and "legs up the wall" pose. These are great for cellulite, relieving sore muscles, and exfoliating your skin. I recommend dry brushing for 2 minutes before the shower. You can try "the legs up the wall" pose for 5-10 minutes everyday.

3. Realign Your Mind

If you had asked me two years ago, meditation would not be on my reset list. I now know the power of mindfulness. It gives you a peaceful, calm and clear mind. Your mind is how you perceive yourself and everything in life. We want to make sure we are aligning our minds with the life we want to live. If you don’t have one already, I highly recommend starting a mindfulness practice. It doesn’t have to be unrealistic like meditating 30 minutes everyday. It can be as simple as sitting in silence and breathing for five minutes or listening to guided meditation on your commute. Do something everyday to realign your mind to a more loving, healthier, and stronger place.

4. Create Time and Space for Self Care

I think we should all prioritize self care more because it benefits everyone else in your life. When you fill your own cup first, you have enough to give to others. Taking care of yourself is not selfish or arrogant. And no, you don’t have to put on a fancy mask. Self care can be as simple as turning off your phone, having a nice cup of tea, or having a hot bath. I also find cleaning and decluttering your space so therapeutic. So, I’m including cleaning your apartment, decluttering your desk and closet on this self care list.

5. Rebuild Habits to Be Your Best Self

It starts with just one small step every single day. It can be reading more, starting your own business, exercising 3 times a week, eating more plants, drinking more water… It is whatever you want it to be. Let’s be honest. How much time are you spending scrolling on your phone? I am definitely guilty of this. Setting a time limit on your phone can help you break this bad habit. (For iPhone users: go to settings, screen time, app limits to set a limit on your social media usage) What are some bad habits you want to break? Really dream and visualize your best, healthiest, happiest life. What does it feel like? What does it look like? What can you do today to create your best self tomorrow?

How are you going to make 2020 your healthiest, happiest year?

Share with me in the comments below. It is so powerful to write things down. It helps us be accountable and follow through with our goals.

With sooo much love,


Taylor Leigh

Taylor is a freelance Squarespace web designer based in Los Angeles.

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